What's New in CBSE

The National Assessment Survey (2017-18) indicates the competency of CBSE students is above the national average. Here is a list of the major decisions that are being conveyed to you in the hope that you will like to monitor the progress of your child in each of these areas.

Learning outcomes (for classes 1 to 8)

As parents you must keep yourself informed of the competencies that your child is supposed to acquire in each grade, in each subject. This will help you follow up on your child’s progress on a daily basis and also know if the classroom transactions are focusing on these competencies and the school is making efforts for your child.

Experiential Learning is the theme for the new academic year 2019-20

With the aim of focusing the academic energies on developing the child’s innate ability of learning to learn. It is expected the principal ensure that all teachers in their schools adopt it. Parents familiarize with this methodology at the PTMs or through discussions with your child, and give feedback to the school.

Art Education from classes I-X. A

Art shall also be integrated with education, by using it as a tool for experiential learning. This has been done to enhance children’s own ability to construct knowledge, and explore novel ways of learning. It is a clear departure from mechanical retrieval or so-called rote learning. Board recommends all forms of Art (visual and/or performing) in the form of education as well as integration.

Sports and physical Education

Board has made it compulsory for all schools to ensure one period of sports per day, for classes 1 to 12, from the academic session 2019-20.

Class XI and XII

The Board has mandated only one subject amongst five in class 12, that is, language, which may be either English or Hindi. For the rest of the four subjects, the child is free to choose any combination of subjects, provided it is available at his/her school.

It is clarified that the Board does not have any system of “streams” of study. Streams are made by schools on the basis of the subjects being taught there. Therefore, while choosing the combinations, do guide your child keeping aptitude, interest, inclination and future studies in mind.

The compendium of courses after +2

is the first of its kind effort of the Board to facilitate students and parents while scouting for right choices in traditional, popular and new age courses. The information is available on CBSE website

Artificial Intelligence, Early Childhood Care Education and Yoga as skill subjects

The skill subjects may be offered as optional 6th subject at Class IX and as compulsory elective in class XI, from the Session 2019-2020, onwards. These courses offer an alternative to students for building their capabilities in job oriented areas. These courses are offered in collaboration with professional organizations and joint certificates are issued, which enhance the job prospects of the students. To enhance the multidisciplinary approach in teaching learning and also to sensitize the new generation, schools may start AI “Inspire module” of 12 hours at Class VIII itself.

Modified Assessment and Evaluation patterns.

Almost all academic subjects already had 20 marks earmarked for school-based assessment in classes 10 and 12, except Mathematics, languages, political science and legal studies in class 12. These subjects too have been assigned 20 marks for the purpose of internal assessment in class XII from the academic year 2019-20. School based assessments have assumed greater significance for the Board exams from now on.

Two levels of examinations in Mathematics in secondary classes for the academic session ending March, 2020 onwards, for class X Board exams

The students can opt for either Maths Standard (present level of examination) or Maths Basic (easier level of examination). While the Classroom teaching and internal assessment for both the levels of examinations will be the same, it is at the time for registering for the Board’s exams, that the child can choose any one of the levels. Parent’s guidance will be crucial at this stage.

Exemptions/ concessions to be extended to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities during the Board exams of class X and XII

The Board has advanced the dates for registering students for classes 9 and 11, and for registering candidates for Board exams in 2020 for classes 10 and 12.

Parents must also ensure that all particulars with regard to your child that are filled up online are correct.

clusters of five schools called as the “Hubs of Learning”

for the purpose of promoting sharing and exchange of ideas, resources (wherever possible), teacher training modules, etc. The Parents could then interact with parents from such schools and know more about the innovative practices of these schools which you may like to present in PTMs as feedback to your child’s school.

CBSE-Shiksha Vani - has been launched.

This can be downloaded on Android Play Store. This podcast provides interesting information about the Board’s activities and directions/guidelines from time to time, along with new tools and new ideas for education, for all stakeholders, including parents.