The Dawn Public School

The Dawn Public School is a coeducational higher secondary school, affiliated to CBSE New Delhi, located in Palluruthy, Kochi. It was established in 2002 by the Moulana Azad Educational and Charitable Trust. It aims to impart quality education and enriches the learning environment in order to optimize each child’s over all development and to help realize the child’s full potential. The school is located in a picturesque spot amidst scenic surroundings in 4.5 acres of land away from the hustle and bustle of city traffic and pollution.

The school signifies the emergence of a new dawn in the field of learning. The school seeks to equip the child to take on the world with confidence and an independent mind.

The school has a well-established KG section where your child is initiated and introduced into the world of learning and knowledge. As a co-educational institution, the School promotes a wide range of curricular and co-curricular activities, making learning a pleasant and promising experience. Here, the students imbibe spiritual virtues and moral values which lead them to a brighter vision and higher mission.

The school has the rare distinction of providing ultra-modern infrastructural facilities, excellent and well qualified faculty as well as competent and supporting staff. In our fast changing and constantly evolving world, The Dawn Public School exists to serve the unique academic, physical, social and emotional needs of its students underpinned by strong traditional values. The Dawn Public School is committed in creating and maintaining an orderly, trusting and caring environment where teaching and learning are exciting and students are assisted as they develop responsibilities. All aspects of the school’s organization, curricular and co-curricular activities are child centred so that they may grow up to be lifelong learners and competent adults living in harmony with their surroundings and their fellow beings.


Let your child shape the future

Every day is new. Every year is a fresh start. Human being has transformed the world and will continue to do it again for centuries to come. The role of a school in the process of transforming the society and thereby the world, that was hitherto uncivilized, lasts back to centuries. It was a struggle. A struggle in which like-minded visionaries with knowledge, reasoning and goodwill challenged the existing social structures to build up a new world where knowledge was central and everything else was built upon that. All the great leaders were pioneers in setting up schools because they realized that only a learned person and an enlightened heart can bring about a change. Knowledge could end slavery, knowledge could win freedom for nations, knowledge could lead to emancipation of races from apartheid even. Knowledge led to discoveries that made the world as you see it today.

The societies that are in darkness are those who give less importance to their schools. Therein lies the role of a teacher as a mentor and as a parent. Also the world salutes the role of a parent as the first teacher. Both the teacher and the parent when they work in harmony can bring about the complete transformation of a young human life. It will make an individual bloom into a holistic being complete in all respects. I salute each parent, each guardian, each teacher, each mentor and each student for the responsibilities they take and also for the roles they play. I pray to God Almighty that He give each one of us the courage to begin anew and fulfil our destinies, obligations and dreams.

Come. Let us walk together and build a beautiful tomorrow. Children are our future. We can shape the future along with them.

Dhanesh Antony